Write for us

Do you want to write for us?

We’d love to hear from you!

Topics We Cover

We cover a wide range of topics from :

WordPress and  Blogger (Blogging Tips)

SEO and Social media tips.

Latest technology news and reviews.

Money making ideas

Writing Guidelines

We have simple guidelines, but they must be followed at all times.

Be original. The article must be original, new and has not been published anywhere on the web before. Do not send spun or re-written articles.

Be honest. Make sure you ask for permission before using any images that don’t belong to you.

Always provide an attribute link-back to the source.

Be inspiring. Articles should have a minimum of 700 words or covered a high-quality showcase related to the title or topic.

Be clear. Articles should be written in a friendly, unbiased, neutral tone.

If it is a tutorial, instructions and guides must be clear.

Do not include any affiliate links in the article.

By submitting the article to Onlinedecoded, you are giving the copyright of that article to Onlinedecoded.

Submission of Articles

There are several ways you can submit to us:

Plain text,
Microsoft Word,
OpenOffice Document

Please attached all related images and files and send them using the contact form

