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8 Best Ways To Promote Old Blog Posts In 2024

Google loves new content. Almost all bloggers update their blogs daily. But they forget to promote their old posts. Check out this blog post to learn about the best ways to promote old blog posts.

Best Ways To Promote Old Blog Posts

Best Ways To Promote Old Blog Posts

When it comes to creating a blog, WordPress is the most sought-after platform worth a try.

After all, it was primarily built to address blogging needs. Although today WordPress has evolved into a full-fledged CMS, it is still considered the best blogging platform over its counterparts.

If you’re a serious blogger, then certainly you’ll be spending a significant amount of time writing and publishing blogs on your WordPress website that adds value to target readers.

Despite your best efforts in presenting users with useful blog posts, it might still not be traffic on those posts if you will overlook the opportunity of promoting their old blog posts.

Simply put, once your blog gets published on your site you’ll quickly become lost in a huge lot of other blog posts, especially when you update your blog daily.

Perhaps, you’ll be convinced by now and would be thinking of ways to promote your old blogs. That’s good – but keep in mind that some of your old posts may no longer be relevant to your target audience.

A lot of your old blog posts will lose their pertinence over time. And, promoting such posts could be a waste of your time and efforts.

Remember, you must promote old posts containing information whose relevance will persist over the years. Such kind of posts is referred to as evergreen posts.

Through this post, I’ll be sharing with you some tips that will help you promote your old WordPress blog posts.

Check out these effective ways to promote old blog posts.

This is one of the best methods to use old posts. If you are a regular guest blogger, you can link your old posts in your author section instead of linking to the homepage.

You can follow the same strategy for your interview and round-up posts too.

List Your Old Posts On the Homepage Using Sticky Posts

It’s a well-known fact that the entries at the top of Google search results get the maximum clicks. According to an online source, a top entry on Google receives around 15 percent and 53 percent clicks which rely on the source.

The same is true for posts that are listed on the top of your homepage.

In a nutshell, the posts that appear on the top of your blog’s main page are expected to get more clicks.

And so, you can promote your old blogs by placing them at the top spot on your website. But sadly, your posts will again be pushed down a spot when you’ll publish a few other posts.

But, you can save your old posts from slipping away into obscurity, making them “sticky” posts.

You can’t do this for all of your published posts. Thus, it is recommended that you must use this strategy to promote your best post that can help you drive more conversions.

To make your old posts sticky, simply browse to the “Publish” meta box provided on the right side of your homepage editor screen.

You’ll see an option that says “Visibility: Public?”. Simply, click on the Edit link above that option, and make the box with the text “Stick this post to the front page” checked.

Lastly, click on the “Publish” button and your post will become a sticky post.

That’s so easy, isn’t it?

This is an effective SEO strategy that helps in giving your old posts a push.

As you may know, online surfers keep browsing the web by clicking on one link to the other.

Therefore, the more links you will create for your users, the more the chances that the links will be clicked.

Internal linking alerts users about some of the old but relevant posts on your website.

You can utilize the internal linking opportunity to drive traffic to your old (but pertinent) posts.

Wondering how? Just browse all your old posts and start looking for the ones that contain data that is useful for your current subject matter. After locating such posts, simply write a follow-up post and then link it to any of your old posts.

It is a good practice to include internal links in all of your WordPress posts since whenever your reader will go to your old post, he/she will be taken to other old posts as well.

Share Them On Social Media

Sharing posts on social media is one of the important ways to promote old blog posts.

People might not be seeing your old blogs, but you can make your posts seen by your social media followers.

In essence, sharing your posts on popular social media channels such as Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr to name a few can help you get significant exposure.

Remember to share your old posts at regular intervals, ideally once a week (Recommended day to promote: Sunday).

Use Revive Old Posts Plugin

Revive Old Post helps you to keep your old posts alive by sharing them automatically.

It helps drive more traffic to the old posts from social media networks.

Just, set it up once and you’ll never have to worry about your old posts again.

Best Features

  • Automatically shares to Twitter and Facebook both new and old posts.
  • You can include hashtags.
  • You can schedule the posts for the best time.

Make Images More Pinterest-Friendly

Vertical Images are a huge hit on Pinterest. Browse your old blog posts and add some long images.

If you have changed the theme of your website, make sure the fonts match the new design and update it. Check whether the images on the old posts match the current trend.

Replace all the old images with the new ones to create a more cohesive look.

Use TailwindApp For Pinterest

Tailwind is an awesome tool that is used to manage and schedule Pins on Pinterest. It is useful for both bloggers and business owners.

Tailwind is an official Pinterest marketing developer partner for content marketing.

Check out the detailed guide on How to use Tailwind to schedule Pinterest Pins.

Use New Formats For Old Content!

Using new formats for your old posts is a great way to repurpose them.

You can turn all your old posts into videos, infographics, slideshows, and podcasts.

With this method, you will not only change the reader’s mind but also publish your old posts on different websites linking back to your blog.

You can choose the best method which suits you. If you are good at creating a video, you can convert those blog posts to videos. Else, you can create infographics using Visme.


That’s all about the ways to promote old blog posts. Feel free to let us know the best way you use to promote your old blog post.

If you find the information in this post useful, please share it with your friends.

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15 thoughts on “8 Best Ways To Promote Old Blog Posts In 2024”

  1. Hi Umapathy,

    I must say that’s what I was looking for.

    You have really written a great article full of valuable pieces of information.

    Thanks for this informative article from the bottom of my heart.

    Keep writing articles like this.

  2. Thanks Umapathy,

    I’m new to blogging and am loving writing content. Promoting my blog (and myself!) is a big learning curve. Thanks for the great strategies, and for your awesome blog!

  3. In my opinion link building with other bloggers and Guest posting is best method to follow. it will surely help in upcoming time to build your blog as brand.

  4. hi Umapathy,
    Thanks for sharing this article. I am going to all my old blog post update. it is a very helpful article for me.

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