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Social Media Strategies to Boost Blogging Productivity Easily in 2024

Gone are the days when only Google’s organic traffic used to be the major source of traffic for blogs. Now, webmasters are clever enough to put their eggs in more than one basket! They’ve now turned their attention toward social media sites for gaining visitors.  Let us see Social Media Strategies to Boost Blogging Productivity.

When traffic from one source dries up, you have many other sources to depend upon!

That’s the power of social media. Let us discuss some strategies to implement, which will make blogging more productive.

But, before that, find some no-brainer reasons why you should use such sites.

Reasons to use Social Media

There are plenty of reasons why you should use social media.

First of all, your blog’s presence and performance on such sites affect SERP (Search Engine Result Page).

Yes, out of the more than 200 factors that Google considers while generating SERP, social media presence is a crucial one. Content having a good number of tweets, likes, shares, and +1s tend to fare better than others.

Another reason is the sheer number of visitors you can drive to your blog from such sites.

These sites are frequented by millions daily, who spend hours there. It is not at all a bad idea to share your content to attract potential visitors to your blog.

Organic traffic is good, but you just can’t trust it anymore! A single algorithm update can cut organic traffic by as much as 60%! So, it’s better to have alternative sources of traffic.

The most important reason why bloggers should use social media is for the sake of networking! These social sites double up as excellent platforms where bloggers can build mutually beneficial relationships with each other.

Let us move to the important topic of the post which is the Social Media Strategies to Boost Blogging Productivity.

Social Media Strategies to Boost Blogging Productivity

Social Media Strategies to Boost Blogging Productivity

Strategies to Avoid Misuse of Time on Social Sites

To make your presence felt on all the social networking sites, plenty of time is required. And time is something that bloggers are short of!

Here are some tips to save time while not compromising on your social media presence :

Find out Sites with the Most ROI

Being a blogger, you are investing your time on social sites. For this investment, you get something in return.

The returns could be more shares for your content, more publicity for you, more followers for your blog, etc.

Focus only on those social sites that give you good ROI (Return On Investment). Why waste time on some fringe social site that doesn’t benefit you even after repeated efforts?

Instead of being the jack of all networking sites, be the master of a few selected ones. Use analytics tools like Google Analytics to find which sites refer you to the most traffic. Invest more time and effort in those sites.

Automate Social Sharing on Sites with Less ROI

Okay, I’m not saying to ignore those social sites that bring less traffic and value to your blog.

But instead of wasting time manually sharing content on them, why not automate that process? There are awesome free plugins and tools to get this job done.

Check out the following tools for automating social sharing: JetPack by WordPress, HootSuite, NextScripts Auto Poster, Social Sharing toolkit, SocialOomph, etc.

Make a Schedule and Stick to it

Efficiency should be every blogger’s prime priority.

Wastage is like a thief. Many times it happens that you visit Facebook to promote your blog posts. But, instead of sharing them, you end up visiting pages showing funny memes!

You too might have had similar experiences. The a classic example of time-wasting.

This can be avoided through scheduling! Make a schedule. Dedicate time to various activities like promoting, networking, etc.

Never let other activities interfere with your schedule. Make it a habit to stick to your schedule and finish the tasks within the allotted time.

Choose that Perfect Time to Share your Content

We are talking about ways to increase productivity here. The timing of sharing a post determines whether a post gets good exposure or not. More exposure means more productivity.

Try to share your content at such a time, when more people are active on that particular site.

A post shared at an awkward time, when barely anyone is noticing goes unnoticed! Who would like their well-written post to go unnoticed? Not me!

Follow ‘Influencers’ of your Niche on Social Sites

When it comes to social sites, the big whales and the small fishes of the blogging world exist together.

It is very much possible that you get a chance to follow or befriend influential bloggers of your niche on Facebook/Twitter. Doing this is beneficial.

There are many advantages to doing so. You get to know them closer, learn from them, and let them take notice of you.

If an ‘influential’ figure finds out that you are writing quality content and cares to share or tweet your content, it’ll get you good exposure. Do follow and befriend them.

Become an Influencer and Build a Reputation

This can be done by solving others’ problems and helping them out. Make use of these sites to answer people’s questions.

A problem solver is always respected.

It helps you build a good reputation. Once you accomplish this task, just watch visitors flock to your blog!

Final words

I’m sure that following these social media strategies will make social sharing a lot easier for bloggers.

While writing this article, I focused mainly on enhancing productivity, which will thereby reduce the wastage of time and effort.

I hope you liked the strategies. If so, then please spare a few seconds to share it! I’d appreciate your action!

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2 thoughts on “Social Media Strategies to Boost Blogging Productivity Easily in 2024”

  1. The post is very helpful. I followed the techniques and it worked. Thank you very much for this informative post.


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