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5 Great Ways To Revive your Dying Blog And Grow It Easily in 2024

Is Your Blog Dying? Do Not Worry. Learn about the easy ways to revive your dying blog in this post.

Anyone can easily set up a blog within 5 minutes, but keeping a blog alive is tasking and difficult to achieve.

Having steady blog growth is the dream of most bloggers, either a newbie or Pros, no one dreams of building a stagnant blog or a declining one, but the truth is told, it’s not easy to keep a blog alive, and growing.

At some particular point in your blogging career, you may get tired, and burned out of ideas or your blog just stops getting new readers, Subscribers, and traffic and it seems your blog got to a saturation level where it just doesn’t attract anything new!

If this is happening, then your blog is probably on the verge of declining and might eventually die.

So, in this post, I will be sharing with you some steps you can take to revive your dying blog and keep your blog growing all the way!

5 Ways To Revive your Dying Blog

Ways To Revive your Dying Blog

Let us see the tips to revive your dying blog and grow it easily.

Be Regular On Publishing Posts

It is no doubt that CONTENT IS KING, and the life of any blog depends very much on content; without content, a blog is as useless as the most useless thing on earth.

One of the best ways to keep a blog growing is to publish new and informative content on a regular basis; your content is what will attract people to your blog which is why you need to give it a priority.

there is no way you can keep your blog growing without publishing content on a consistent basis, you don’t have to publish every day, but having a schedule of at least two posts per week is healthy enough to keep you going.

As you may have known, search engines favor blogs that publish quality posts regularly, and the traffic from search engines can be a great boost for your blog and help you keep growing without much stress.

Also, people love blogs that are regularly updated, and the more frequently you occur in their minds, the more they become aware of your blog and your brand.

Do Guest Blogging

It is no more news that Guest blogging is by far the greatest way to reach a new large audience of targeted readers.

The kind of audience that is interested in what you have to say and probably becomes your followers and loyal readers.

Guest blogging is an avenue for you to steal the audience of top blogs in your niche and direct them to your blog for FREE, if your blog is on the verge of dying or a bit stagnant, then guest blogging might be the real push you need to take your blog to the next level.

Guest blogging is not a difficult thing to do.

There are lots of Top blogs out there that are will accept articles from guest authors, all you need to do is to find top blogs in your niche with a good subscriber base and following.

Make a pitch to the blog owner communicating your intention to contribute a guest post to their blog & hope to get a green light!

Usually, you will get a chance to add 1 or 2 links back to your blog in the author’s bio.

It will help you to drive traffic back to your blog but make sure you make good use of these link opportunities and link back to important pages on your blog or preferably a landing page to capture subscribers.

Accept Guest Posts On Your Blog

In point 2 above, I talked about guest blogging on other blogs to help your blog grow.

But do you know that accepting guest posts on your blog too can help you grow your blog?

Accepting guest posts on your blog helps you get quality FREE contents for your blog which will help you keep your blog fresh and up to date

It helps you to mix things up for your readers by providing them with articles from other bloggers with different views, experiences, and perspectives.

Your readers will also get to see a new face on your blog other than your regular face which they see all the time.

Accepting guest posts can also help you get more new readers.

The guest bloggers will share their guest posts with their followers which will help you bring new readers to your blog and in turn result in your growth.

Join Online Communities In Your Niche

Believe it or not, Online communities Rock!

What are online communities? Online communities are websites where people meet, interact, and network with each other. Online Communities include Forums, Social Networking Sites and groups, and Blogging Communities.

Joining online communities is a great way to promote your blog and keep it growing.

Find online communities in your niche, and join them.

Interact with fellow members there and start building relationships and your circle there so that you can get new readers from those communities.

When it comes to growing your blog via online communities, you should be very careful and take things slow so that you won’t get labeled as a spammer.

You should avoid aggressive marketing and don’t just see every avenue as an opportunity for you to drop your blog link.

Take your time to see how things work in each community, learn their rules and play by them in other to get the best out of them.


Giveaways have proven to be a great marketing tool and enticement in recent times.

Hosting or sponsoring a giveaway is now one of the best methods to revive your dying blog. It helps you to attract new readers and grow your blog.

A lot of bloggers are using this technique to facilitate their blog growth and it has proven itself to be effective over time.

Android Authority hosts giveaways every week. We recently hosted a giveaway on this blog and planning to host more in the coming days. Stay tuned!

Hosting a giveaway is not that difficult, in fact, you may not spend a dime on it if you can smartly approach people and companies who may be willing to sponsor the giveaway in return for some publicity.


That’s all about the ways to revive your dying blog.

What are some of your best tips for sustaining blog growth over the long term? Share your tips in the comments.

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