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How To Increase Google Adsense CTR (Click Through Rate) in 2024?

Earning money with Google Adsense is like a dream for many bloggers as it is a well-known fact that not everyone who has an approved Adsense account is making actual money with it. Even if you get approved by Google Adsense, thinking that you will start making money from it right after adding various ad blocks on your site would be a big mistake.

To earn more money with Google Adsense, you would need to get either a high CPC, which is not in your hands, or an increase Google Adsense CTR a.k.a Click-through rate.

Increasing CPC or Cost per Click may not entirely be in your hands but you certainly can implement a few things and increase the click-through rate on your site or blog.

Now the question here would be why do you need to increase Google Adsense CTR?

The answer to this question would be simple.

The higher the CTR will be, the more money will you make with Google Adsense? So to make more money with Google Adsense, you need to go through this post.

What is CTR – Click Through Rate?

In simple terms, it is the ratio of the number of clicks you get on your ads to the number of total page views on your blog. Here is the simple math for you to understand better:

If you are getting 100 pageviews a day on your blog and the number of clicks on ads is around 20, then your blog’s CTR would be 20%. So to increase Google Adsense CTR, you need to implement a few tips so that you get more clicks on your Adsense ads.

You can easily find out your CTR percentage by logging in to your Google Adsense account and seeing the performance tab.

How To Increase Google Adsense CTR?

Tips To Increase Google Adsense CTR

Here are the steps you need to follow in order to increase Google Adsense CTR.

Niche Selection

Niche selection is very important when you are looking for high CTR on your blog.

If you are writing on a topic that targets an audience who already knows about Adsense ads, like bloggers and webmasters, then you shouldn’t accept very high CTR on your blog. I would be surprised if it even crosses 1% on such blogs.

Select a niche that has an audience that doesn’t know anything about what Google Adsense is and what its ads look like.

If you don’t know about an ad banner, the chances are high that you will click on it. And that’s what we want, to make our audience click more on Adsense ad blocks.

So to increase Google Adsense CTR, you should first see what niche and what audience your blog is targeting and see if it is really worth it to work on increasing the Click-through rate or not.

Ad Units and Ad Placements

The next step would be to place ads at such places where visitors are more likely to click.

The best place for ad placement would be above the fold as that’s the only thing that every visitor that comes to your blog sees. So putting ads where people could easily see them is the next step to increasing Google Adsense CTR.

Not only the position but the size of the ad units also play a very important role in determining CTR. If you display ad blocks of a size that not many advertisers are interested in will bring you nothing in revenue.

Best Ad Sizes

336 x 280 – Large Rectangle
468 x 60 – Banner
160 x 600 – Wide Skyscraper
300 x 600 – Large Skyscraper
768 x 90 – Leaderboard
Link Units

Best Places To Put Ad Blocks

Below Post Title
Below Post
Top Sidebar
After 2 paragraphs in the content
Between content

Internal Linking

Internal Linking is one great way to convert a visitor to your blog to a loyal reader.

It even helps to reduce the bounce rate of your blog as your visitors would be busy reading various articles and will thus be spending more time on your site.

So when a person would spend more time on your site, the chances of having more clicks on ads are high than a person who spends less time. So internal linking helps to increase Google Adsense CTR as it gets visitors to spend more time on your site.

Read: How To Become Successful With Adsense?

Avoid Multiple Ad Networks

If you are using Google Adsense on your blog, then I would suggest you stay away from other ad networks.

If you think that by adding more ad units from different ad networks, you will be making more money, then you are wrong. By doing this, you won’t make more money but instead, you would see a decline in the earnings in Google Adsense reports.

So don’t add too many ad blocks on your site. It will only reduce your earnings instead of increasing them. Plus if you show only Google Adsense ads, then it would get more attention from your readers and thus increasing the click-through rate.

What Are Your Ways To Increase Google Adsense CTR?

I know that I missed out on some points like blending the ad units with the theme and creating epic content, but that was intentional. You might have already known about that so I avoided writing about it again.

I have personally implemented the above methods and I have got a CTR of up to around 25%!

So if you want to increase Google Adsense CTR on your blog too, then you should implement and follow all the points that I mentioned in the post. Do that and then come here and let me know whether it worked or not. I would love to hear about your results.

Before going, let me ask you one question. What is your Google Adsense CTR and what do you do to increase it?

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