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11 Uncommon Blogging Mistakes To Avoid in 2024

You must have read a lot about blogging mistakes and how to avoid them.

Some mistakes you read may be technical, some others conceptual, and a few you might have never heard before.

I can bet you never heard of at least half of the mistakes that I am sharing in this post.

Check out this post and learn about the 11 uncommon blogging mistakes to avoid.

11 Uncommon Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

Uncommon Blogging Mistakes To Avoid

So while avoiding very serious technical and conceptual mistakes, do take these mistakes very seriously and get rid of them if you are committing all or a few of them.

Here are the 11 uncommon blogging mistakes to avoid and succeed as a blogger.

Publishing Best Contents On Your Own Blog

This is one of the biggest mistakes of content posting. Actually, bloggers follow a kind of pure human nature while committing this type of mistake.

Everyone wants to keep the best thing to himself and give away the better to others.

So the same approach is adopted while posting content.

Bloggers publish the best content on their own blogs and better ones on other blogs as guest posts.

Just imagine if will someone be convinced to visit your blog after reading your better content on other blogs.

Obviously not, he would be more impressed by reading your best content. So initially share your best content on other blogs and then reverse the strategy.

Promoting Your Contents Randomly

It is equally another serious mistake bloggers commit usually.

They post their content regularly but don’t promote them very regularly.

They wrongly assume the one who earlier visited your blog would come again to get your newly published content.

Usually through which sources do people visit your blog?

In this age of stiff competition, they hardly come directly from search engines as it is now quite difficult to get a ranking in search engines.

So people visit your blog by clicking on your post which you shared on social media or on community forums.

So do you expect they would never see you here and there and must click on your post on social media?

They may see your post there but not necessarily click on it if they have so many choices to get a post of superior type shared by a blogger who is more than you.

So you need to promote your post regularly and consistently believing one day you would get a notice from everyone who casts a glance at your post and would click on it to arrive on your blog.

Otherwise, by randomly promoting your content you would get a glance at so many people but would hardly get them to visit your blog.

Depending On Your Mood To Write

The main difference between a creative writer and a blog writer is the only one.

A creative writer follows his mood to give the best while a blog writer has to meet his deadline to keep sharing whatever best he can produce for his readers.

He need not create from the trash.

He simply has to put his knowledge, observation, research, and some idea into a blog post by adding an element of interest and diversity to it.

So never wait for the mood for writing and just start writing if you have to really post content on your blog regularly.

Doing Less Hard Work To Write A Pitch

Be it a pitch to share your latest post with your email subscribers or inviting someone to be your guest author or give an interview to you.

Bloggers don’t do hard work to write a pitch and just jot down a few buttery sentences to woo the receiver to open their email and then respond positively.

You need to influence the receiver of your email, convince him to go through your whole message, and then make him respond the way you want them to.

For this purpose, you should do hard work to create a pitch that can hardly be ignored and you would get your desired results with it.

Behaving Like A Teacher

In a classroom once a student enters he can’t leave the class without the permission of his teacher.

But on your blog, your reader has free will to arrive and leave your blog as and when he wants.

They need not get your permission.

So you need to be so interesting and diversified in your content to never let your readers think of quitting your blog after arriving at it.

To achieve this goal you need to think like a blogger and act as a blogger.

Why a reader did not go to a teacher to learn something and visit you to learn the same thing?

Obviously, he wants to learn without going through any tedious and boring process of learning. So you need to teach him without letting him be bored.

Over-stuffing Everything In Your Contents

It is good to put so many interesting things in your content but it should be within limits.

Putting an image after each paragraph or requesting to retweet your post after every second paragraph could be quite irritating for your readers.

So make a good balance of all the things which can make your content interesting but never over-stuff them.

Just imagine how would be the response of your readers if you share so many lengthy videos in your post.

How do people diversify their content usually?

They put a few images, a few quotes, a few cropped images of social sharing, and one video in their content.

Interestingly they do this on each post of their blog.

The same pattern of adding diversity may make your content boring. So try to put different things every time.

Sometimes put a few funny gif images related to your content, sometimes a cartoon-based video, and even sometimes you may share a song that has any relation with your content.

So never get so stereotyped while putting add-ons in your content and try different interesting things as well.

It is good to follow the basics without any change. But following everything ditto could bring boredom to your blog.

So never follow everything as it is. Try to put interest in it, diversify them, flip them, and put any add-on in it before following a new trend or idea.

Believing In Every Advice You Receive

It is good to give full attention to the blogging advice you receive from successful bloggers. But do remember their advice could be the best in a scenario where they are working.

Believing in every piece of advice you receive from others is one of the blogging mistakes you make.

It could be not as effective in your case. So keep in view your own situation while applying a tip or trick of a pro blogger on your blog.

Trying So Many Tips At A Time

Nowadays blogging secrets are no more big secrets and everyone is trying to avail themselves of all of them in one go.

That is why he is not getting as many great results as the one who shared them had gotten earlier.

If you follow the blogging success model of both John Chow and Jon Morrow at a time you would neither be able to be like any of them.

So try those tips which you believe could equally work great for you.

Quickly Diving Into Another Option

This reflects the haste of bloggers they switch from one niche to another one in a few months.

If we know there are millions of blogs and thousands are being created daily we must be patient while achieving blogging success.

We should not keep changing our strategy or any other thing very frequently. Yes once we fully believe any particular thing could not bring our desired results we may try another one.

Final Words

So these are the 11 worst uncommon blogging mistakes that we usually don’t think are mistakes and keep committing very proudly.

Do you still commit any of them or were committing earlier? Do share your experience regarding them to let us learn more.

I hope you would also share this post on social media with your friends.

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