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5 Best WordPress Review Plugins In 2024

Looking for the best WordPress Review Plugins?

The review plugin helps you add ratings and displays snippets which makes your post more engaging for your website visitors.

In this post, you will see the best WordPress review plugins that you can use on your site to show star ratings on the google search engine.

Best WordPress Review Plugins

Best WordPress Review Plugins

Before going to the list of best WordPress review plugins, let us why you need a product review plugin.

Why Use A Product Review Plugin?

According to Google, these snippets show rich information by extracting it from the web pages. It will appeal to the viewers to click on it. There is a high chance of users clicking on these star-rating snippets.

When you see two different pages, you need to click on the one that has a star rating than the normal page.

Am I correct?

It will be nice when you have a star rating on your blog. It not only increases the click but also the SEO rankings.

They are very interactive and help to stand out in the crowd.

People stopped believing in advertisements long back. According to Spiegel Research center, most people (almost 86%) read the review online and then purchase the product.

Not only that, but 70% of the people also do not take any action until they check all the reviews about the product completely.

Just write your detailed review, figure out the scores and add them to the appropriate fields in the plugin’s editor section.

List of Best WordPress Review Plugins

Let us now see the list of the best WordPress review plugins.

WP Review Pro

WP Review Pro

WP Review is a freemium review plugin from MyThemeShop. It is also the review plugin I use on this site, which is why I put this one first on the list!

The plugin helps you add stylish review boxes to your posts. You can choose from five different types of reviews:


With 16 pre-made, completely customizable, templates, WP Review Pro makes posting reviews a breeze.

You can integrate this plugin with Google Reviews, Yelp, and Facebook Reviews. This plugin is mobile-friendly, optimized for speed, translation-ready, and features tons of custom widgets.

WP Product Review

WP Product Review

If you’re adding multiple reviews to the same page, you’ll love WP Product Review’s shortcodes feature. You can position your shortcodes to add review boxes anywhere within posts and pages.

There are over 10 different rating icons to choose from, including stars and hearts, so you can really have fun with it.

All In One Schema.org Rich Snippets

Schema All In One Rich Snippet

As the name indicates it is used to show all types of schema like Articles, Applications, Recipes, Products, Events, reviews, Software, etc.

Once you have installed this plugin, it displays the star ratings. It also helps Facebook to display proper information when users share their links on Facebook.

The good news is that the plugin is free to download. Click here to download it.

KK Star Ratings

This is another free plugin to show the star rating. It has more features. Visitors can interact with and rate your posts. It also has animations.

It can show your related posts in the sidebar with the help of a widget. You can select the place to show the ratings. It could be your homepage or archives or images.

Download this plugin from here.

Ultimate Reviews

Ultimate Reviews

Ultimate Reviews is easy to set up and includes two smart shortcodes, one that displays your reviews and one that displays a form that your visitors can use to submit reviews.

Includes Gutenberg blocks for displaying reviews and for the submit review form!

You can download it from here


That’s all about the best WordPress review plugin.

Displaying Rich Snippets Star Rating in Google Search Results will help you improve your site’s Click-through rate and SEO rankings.

Use these WordPress plugins to take advantage of the Google Rich Snippets Star Rating feature.

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